The Petcare Factory
In this section, we have included some free resources in the form of tools and web pages, which we feel will be helpful to visitors to our site. Some of these are provided by ourselves; however, we constantly look for links and assets from other internet sites that may provide value.
The Canine Brief Pain Inventory (CBP) is a sophisticated psychometric evaluation tool specifically developed to objectively assess the levels of pain experienced by dogs and the impact this pain has on their daily life. The CBP consists of a series of well-structured and thoughtfully crafted questions developed by a team of experts at the renowned University of Pennsylvania. It has undergone rigorous scientific validation to ensure its reliability, accuracy and reproducibility. Not only does the CBP allow for determining the level of pain a dog is experiencing, but it also provides a means of evaluating the effectiveness of treatments such as medication, surgery, or supplementation over time. In conclusion, the Canine Brief Pain Inventory is a scientifically sound evaluation tool that offers a valuable resource for those looking to assess and manage pain levels in dogs. This helpful tool provides pet owners and veterinary professionals with the information necessary to make informed decisions about the well-being of their pets.
The Canine Mobility Assessment Tool (CMAT) is a scientifically designed questionnaire to assess a dog's mobility. The CMAT was developed based on the concept of Hill's Mobility Calculator and was further refined by the Sydney Animal Hospitals in New South Wales. The tool is simple and quick to use and utilises a Likert scale to elicit responses related to a dog's condition and mobility. It provides an overall score reflecting the pet's mobility status upon completion. It is important to note that while the CMAT is a valuable tool for conducting an initial assessment, it is not intended to replace a professional veterinary evaluation. However, over time, repeated use of the CMAT can help identify the effectiveness of different forms of treatment for a pet. This can provide valuable insights for pet owners and veterinary professionals to help optimise a pet's care and well-being. It is an ideal tool for those looking to make informed decisions about their pet's health and comfort.
The Feline Mobility Assessment Tool is a reliable and efficient method for evaluating the mobility of your feline companion. This tool operates by having the user complete a series of questions using a Likert scale, which results in an overall score that reflects the pet's current condition. The tool was developed based on the concept of Hill's Mobility Calculator and was further enhanced by Sydney Animal Hospitals located in New South Wales. The assessment tool should not be considered a substitute for a professional veterinary evaluation. Still, it can be a supplementary aid in identifying effective treatment options for your pet. Tracking the results over time can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of different treatments and help make informed decisions regarding your pet's care. However, it is essential to remember that the results of this assessment should be used as a rough guide and discussed with a veterinary professional to determine the best course of action.
Canine Arthritis Management is a dedicated UK-based organisation committed to advancing the standard of care for ageing canines. With a deep-rooted belief that education is vital in managing conditions such as arthritis in dogs, Canine Arthritis Management aims to empower pet owners with the knowledge and tools necessary to provide their pets with longer, healthier, and pain-free lives. The organisation proactively addresses arthritis as a leading cause of elective euthanasia and strives to challenge this trend through its comprehensive offerings. Canine Arthritis Management's mission is to provide pet owners with a wealth of information and resources on canine arthritis. Their website offers valuable information on diet and nutrition, complementary therapies, exercise, and how to recognise the early signs of the disease. Their goal is to provide pet owners with the information necessary to make informed decisions about the health and well-being of their pets.
Canine Arthritis Resources & Education (CARE) is a valuable resource dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for ageing dogs. With a strong emphasis on education, CARE empowers pet owners with essential knowledge and tools to promote longer, healthier, and pain-free lives for their beloved pets. Focused on addressing canine arthritis, which affects at least 1 in 3 dogs, CARE was founded by Dr Kristin Kirkby Shaw, a renowned veterinary surgeon and rehabilitation specialist. CARE collaborates with experts in various fields, including arthritis management, rehabilitation, nutrition, and more. By offering insights from these experts, CARE promotes a holistic approach to arthritis management. The organisation's informative website provides a wealth of articles, videos, and resources covering critical topics related to arthritis and joint health. Explore CARE and gain the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about your dog's health and happiness.